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Kids Eat Right Month

August is Kids Eat Right Month, an opportunity to highlight the importance of smart grocery shopping, healthy eating, and active lifestyles for every age group from infants to teens. With greater knowledge, many families across our country have the opportunity to start making healthier choices, which can have a positive impact on their children’s development.
But it’s also important to recognize that many families are struggling to provide nutritious food for their children and have very limited choices. It is estimated that at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, approximately 45 million people (1 in 7), including 15 million children (1 in 5), experienced food insecurity in 2020. According to the USDA, 12 million children in the U.S. are still food insecure in 2022.
Many food banks and other nonprofits work hard to provide nutritious food for children and families across the country. RBW Strategy is proud to have worked with Capital Area Food Bank, Manna Food Center, Central Iowa Shelter & Services, and Greater DC Diaper Bank, which operates a baby pantry. To learn more about each of these great organizations, check out their social media profiles and websites.
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