Top 10 ways to freshen up your Operations

It’s time for spring – flowers are blooming, baby animals are being born (go April!) and we can start fresh. From a business and organizational perspective, what can that mean for you? Here is a list of the top 10 ways you can tweak how you work: Create a new policy and/or standard operating procedure […]

Be careful what you wish for….

Since I am spending Spring Break in Florida, I can’t help but think about Disney. Maybe this is a bit wistful, but as I work with more clients who receive grant funding, I can’t help but think that sometimes grant seeking is a trap. You receive the money, and then you have to manage the […]

Is it ok to get personal in an application?

 Each one of us is born with a certain personality, and our personalities are shaped by other environmental factors. This isn’t news – this is just the nature vs. nurture argument. I think it is important for us to express ourselves to the extent possible, although this will vary depending on the situation. From a […]

The Competitive Advantage and Trying to Stand Out

My daughter loves to sing and dance around our house. She turns on the charm when she knows she has an audience, and enjoys watching people react to whatever she does. She stands out of the crowd simply by bringing joy into people’s lives. While some of us crave the spotlight more than others, I […]

Learning to Ride a Bike: Testing Our Boundaries

A February in Maryland usually consists of some snow (at least one or two storms) and several school day closures. However, during this unseasonably warm winter, I spent a lot of time outdoors with my family. My children were excited to go to playgrounds and run around until the sun went down. One accomplishment for […]

Top 7 Tools That Help Me Each Day

I typically don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day, but I thought in honor of this day, I would rather turn this into a giving holiday and share what I love with other people. While I could say the usual things (family, friends, vacation, Chai tea lattes), I thought that it would make more sense to provide a […]

Help From Our Friends: 5 ways They Help Achieve More

My children love hanging out with their friends, and I see how it is important for them to develop their own friendships. My son is almost six years old and is now more discerning about with whom he chooses to spend his time. I am also enjoying watching my daughter (not quite three) starting to […]

Dealing with Uncertainty – 5 Tips to Help Us

Let’s be honest, 2017 may be a difficult year for many, and I imagine that all of us will be impacted by dealing with uncertainty. Whether you are pro-Trump or against him, the polarizing impacts of the election and fallout afterwards has led to a great level of uncertainty across the board. Will philanthropic donations […]

The Importance of Project Management

We all know that our job titles are not necessarily indicative of the work we do on a daily basis. As the budgets of nonprofits, government agencies and companies can fluctuate depending on the strength of our economy, we are tasked with many job functions. While the Project Management Institute (PMI) seeks to equip us […]

The Top 5 Reasons Work-Life Balance is Essential

I don’t know about you, but 2016 has been an incredibly stressful year for me, and I am sure the same can be said for many of you. Between a drawn out Presidential campaign, crises all over the world, and a country that continues to divide itself even further, I am ready for 2017 to […]