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We all know that our job titles are not necessarily indicative of the work we do on a daily basis. As the budgets of nonprofits, government agencies and companies can fluctuate depending on the strength of our economy, we are tasked with many job functions. While the Project Management Institute (PMI) seeks to equip us with the skills and tools to become successful as project managers, regardless of our job titles and/or functions, people are still confused as to what project managers do and why the profession is so important.

Well, great news for all of those who are begging for the profession to become more appreciated in the mainstream. On December 16, 2016, PMI released a press release stating that, “President Barack Obama has signed into law S.1550, the Program Management Improvement and Accountability Act of 2015 (PMIAA), which will enhance accountability and best practices in project and program manux-788002_640agement throughout the federal government. The legislation, strongly endorsed by the Project Management Institute (PMI), was approved by both chambers of Congress with overwhelming bi-partisan support. President Obama signed it into law on Wednesday, December 14.”

Not only will this lead to a more standardized way of conducting business, but will help those cynical about the federal government to develop an appreciation of the sector. The corporate sector has long embraced the use of systems and credentials that promote efficiency. The fact that the federal government is embracing this approach shows a step in the right direction.

How can project management impact you?

  • Avoid challenges and potential issues
  • Promote efficiency and effective standards of practice
  • Help keep you on time and within budget
  • Embrace innovation
  • Ensure quality deliverables

I am thrilled to see this happening. If you want to learn more about project management or see how you can benefit from these time (and stress) saving techniques, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

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