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It’s time for spring – flowers are blooming, baby animals are being born (go April!) and we can start fresh. From a business and organizational perspective, what can that mean for you? Here is a list of the top 10 ways you can tweak how you work:

  1. Create a new policy and/or standard operating procedure to track a new or existing process.
  2. Develop a new logo or update your website/marketing materials.
  3. Purchase or update a data tracking or project management software/system.
  4. Organize your paper and electronic files (A-133 audits require this!).
  5. Hold a retreat to update a strategic or business plan.
  6. Update proposal content to reflect existing programs and activities.
  7. Research statistics to ensure you have the most recent demographic and best practices information.
  8. Attend a professional development training or working group to learn new ideas.
  9. Cleanse your emails to declutter your Inbox.
  10. Prepare a case study of a successful activity or program you have undertaken.

What will you do to start fresh in the spring? I am working on cleaning out my closets and organizing my desk as we speak….

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