Breaking It Down

Breaking It Down This month, RBW Strategy has been focusing on #newbeginnings. We’ve talked about how to avoid overwhelm by “chunking it down” – breaking down a large project into smaller, manageable chunks. But in order to get a new project off the ground, you also have to think big picture. Otherwise, your endeavor could […]

New Streams of Revenue

New Streams of Revenue If your nonprofit is looking for new streams of revenue, grants are the pretty, shiny object that often catch the eye of board members and staff. But it’s important to assess all of the possible revenue streams for your nonprofit before you dive into something new. Familiarize yourself with corporate partnerships, […]

Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management For #GrantsManagementMonday, we’re sharing a tip that will hopefully simplify your life. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can be very helpful if you are a larger organization that needs to track a higher volume of grant submissions. But if you are a small nonprofit or your organization only submits a handful of grant […]

You have launched your business, now what?

You have launched your business, now what? Congratulations! You have launched your own business or taken on an exciting new role. Now what? Here are some tips that helped me when I launched my business nine years ago: 1) Don’t take on too much too soon. You’ll end up regretting it in the end and […]

COVID 2022

COVID 2022 In today’s COVID environment, constantly shifting workplace conditions have significantly impacted the dynamics of work relationships. Cancelled programming, reduced in-person meetings, misaligned hybrid schedules, a reduction in informal interactions, and lingering symptoms and stress from catching COVID are all factors that have led to exhaustion, burnout, and just plain old social discomfort as […]


Challenges When you decide to begin something new, you are bound to face any number of challenges and for some people, that can feel very overwhelming. Especially in this post-pandemic world, it’s even harder to predict what types of challenges you will face when you begin a new project or launch a new endeavor. It’s […]