If We Amplify Everything, We Hear Nothing

  There are many ways we can communicate with our clients, partners and the public. There are social media sites (and the list of these sites keeps expanding all the time), your own website, newsletters, press releases, conferences, emails, phone calls, letters (are you getting exhausted already?). While it is wonderful to have all these […]

Celebrating 4 Years! Top 4 Things I Have Learned

4 years ago I was working in the nonprofit sector and trying to juggle the job of Director of Development while raising a three-year-old boy. While I was grateful for the flexibility that this job afforded (I was mostly able to telecommute) and I completely supported the organization’s mission, I still didn’t feel that I […]

Language Refresh (5 Ways to Enhance Stale Language)

My kids hate leftovers. They always whine and complain if we have the same meal two days in a row. I can understand that the second day food isn’t as fresh or appetizing, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t still good. The same can be said for the words we write. As proposal writers and […]

B2B Partnerships: Why Sole Proprietorship is a Fallacy

When I started my business in 2013, I was committed to serving as an independent consultant. This seemed easy – I didn’t have to oversee other people’s work and I could have complete autonomy about the clients and work I chose to pursue. However, as any small business owner knows, it is difficult (and quite […]

Stay the Course – The Art of Focusing on the Present

There are days when I sit at my desk and write for hours on end. Sometimes I enjoy the solitude and preparing an application or report that shows the dedication and thought that goes into this work (versus a rushed deadline). However, as I am sure is the case for many of you, most days […]

A Perspective Through the Smithsonian Museum

Philanthropy is a term that those in the nonprofit sector understand all too well. Raise money for our organizations (or clients’ organizations) so we can achieve certain missions or address societal challenges. Well, living in the Washington, DC metro area can have its perks. My son often asks me what I do, as it can […]

To Train for Free or not to Train for Free

When I started my business nearly four years ago, I tried to cease every opportunity. Sure, I’ll meet with you at a location of your choosing. Sure, I’ll do some extra pro bono hours. Sure, I’ll provide another consult call to make sure you have what you need to move forward with our work together. […]

Balancing Work with Summer Vacation

This year I finally reached a parenting milestone – one child out of daycare and started kindergarten. Throughout the school year we transitioned into a new routine of drop-offs, pick-ups, school activities, PTA meetings and new friends (for both him and us). While it does make things easier and more financially feasible since we have one […]

Memorial Day – Remembering Those Who Served

Each year we have a day of remembrance for the millions of Americans who have died to protect our freedom, safety and sense of security. While some died in the line of duty, others died from the effects of war months or years later. Many of us don’t realize the traumatic effect of combat on […]

Parent-Teacher Conferences Reinforce Quality Control

At least twice a year I, like billions of other parents, participate in parent-teacher conferences. We always hope to hear good things about our children, but sometimes this is not always the case. What if they are not making progress? What if they are having problems adjusting socially? These and many other questions arise, so […]