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This year I finally reached a parenting milestone – one child out of daycare and started kindergarten. Throughout the school year we transitioned into a new routine of drop-offs, pick-ups, school activities, PTA meetings and new friends (for both him and us). While it does make things easier and more financially feasible since we have one less in preschool, the summer represents a new challenge.

I always hoped when I started my business that I could seamlessly balance between work and home, but we all know that this is not so easy. I do have some vacation time, weeks off and personal time planned this summer to maximize our pool membership and visiting friends and family. Here is what I hope to do to make sure I have balance in my life this summer:

  1. Block of time in my Outlook calendar for personal appointments, trips, etc. to ensure that I actually do the things I hope to accomplish personally.
  2. Stay off the grid when I am on vacation and work with my virtual assistant to respond and categorize emails and messages to ensure a less chaotic entry back into real life upon return.
  3. Reduce off-hours work time (i.e. hours when my children are not in camp).
  4. Work outside to maximize the beautiful weather.
  5. Connect with my other colleagues for coffee to discuss our work and any new items coming up.
  6. Turn away or outsource work when it impacts #1-#5 above.

What are your summer plans? Hopefully, you will take some time to disconnect, enjoy time with loved ones and become mentally prepared for what lies ahead.

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