National Library Week – Atomic Habits by James Clear

National Library Week – Atomic Habits by James Clear I have read several business related books over the years, and some have resonated more than others. It’s hard to incorporate big picture ideas sometimes when smaller and more tangible guidance can be a huge game changer. In honor of National Library Week, I want to […]

Taking Care of Yourself

Taking Care of Yourself As we wrap up the first quarter of 2022 (I know, right? Where did it go?), this is a friendly reminder to continue taking care of yourself. Burnout is real, friends. I’ve watched as so many try to push through despite feeling stressed and overworked. It seems like many of us […]

Adapting To New Fundraising Campaigns

Adapting To New Fundraising Campaigns Every year around this time, I receive many invites for galas and other spring events. I sit down with all the invitations and decide which ones to attend. Obviously, Covid has challenged our ability to gather for the past two years, but some events are starting to take place in […]

American Revolution

American Revolution On this day in 1775, Patrick Henry ignited the #AmericanRevolution with a speech containing this famous quote, “I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” In current times, living in the “Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave” has […]

Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning Now that it’s officially Spring, many of us are probably thinking about #springcleaning around the house. But what about your data? Do you have protocols in place to keep your donor database clean and accurate? How are you updating addresses, both physical and email? How are these changes being communicated to your remote […]

Hiring a seasoned business expert

Hiring a seasoned business expert Nonprofit organizations are not immune to the “Great Resignation.” Many are operating at far less than full staff capacity. For many leaving the for-profit business sector, they are looking for more meaning or purpose in the work, and some are turning to nonprofit employers as a way to give back […]

What makes you different?

What makes you different? “What makes you different?” This is was the first question someone asked me as a newly launched LLC trying to make it as a grant writer. I had my business plan, my nice suit, and my elevator pitch, but I was still figuring out who I was. Each year I learned […]

Wednesday Wisdom

Wednesday Wisdom In the Catholic tradition, #AshWednesday marks the start of #Lent where faithful followers give something up for 40 days. RBW Strategy would like to take this opportunity to see what #fundraising practices may be time to let go. As Development teams create their annual plans, it can be easy to keep doing what […]

Remote/Hybrid work has changed fundraising practices

Remote/Hybrid work has changed fundraising practices Two years ago, workplace practices changed with the onset of Covid and all the related closures. For many of those in office or administrative roles, working from home became a necessity. Without time for administrators to plan ahead, protocols for remote work were being shaped simultaneous to being implemented. […]

True strength comes from vulnerability

True strength comes from vulnerability “When I first starting working as a 22-year-old teacher, I internalized the ethos that showing emotions is a weakness and true strength means stoicism. I spent so much of my professional life pretending that I was okay when my inner voice said differently. When I did show emotions, sometimes it […]