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Taking Care of Yourself

As we wrap up the first quarter of 2022 (I know, right? Where did it go?), this is a friendly reminder to continue taking care of yourself. Burnout is real, friends. I’ve watched as so many try to push through despite feeling stressed and overworked. It seems like many of us are all living on less margin, more stress, and less ability to perform at our peak capabilities. We all need to be conscious of our boundaries and know how to maintain an appropriate balance between our work and personal lives. Working hard is one thing, but perpetual motion does not lead to the best results. Take walks, read more, spend some time staring at a wall, meditating, and volunteering. Blocking off half hour chunks in your calendar, even just to watch a funny show. Whatever it is, be gracious with yourself and others, and accept that it is okay to not be okay all of the time. #Burnout #MentalHealth
Rachel Werner, MPA, GPC, PMP, Owner & CEO of RBW Strategy
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