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What’s in a Word?

As we start 2023, it always feels like a time of renewal and reflection. It conjures up many questions in my mind, “What are our priorities this year?,” “Where can we make the most impact?,” “Who are our key collaborators and strategic partners?,” and most importantly, “How do I prioritize myself and my personal and professional boundaries as part of a larger growth strategy?” 

Since 2019 (grateful to Her Corner for starting the process), I, like many others, have chosen a word to serve as the barometer for how I want to shape this year and focus my efforts. My word for this year is……drum roll please…. INTEGRITY. Why integrity? Quite simply, integrity defines our firm’s culture and ensures that we are on the right path as a team and engaging with clients. It assures that we maintain a values-driven culture rooted in professionalism, honesty, and kindness. 

Last year we were tested as a firm and had to examine if we were living our values. While challenging, it solidified that we must remain focused on doing what’s right, even if it’s not always in our best financial or business interests. It is essential that we as a firm live by our values internally and externally – saying the right things in a public way isn’t meaningful if we can’t back this up and make tough decisions when we are tested. 

 I know we will be tested again this year. Still, I am more confident we can face these challenges as there is clarity about our boundaries and the ethical implications of certain decisions. This is critical as we continue to grow and evolve as a firm (BIG news coming up). We want to ensure this ethos is pervasive in our 2023 work.  

 Happy New Year to all and professional and personal lives filled with integrity. 


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