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How Cultivation is Your Winning Writing Strategy

There are a couple of different ways to focus on getting funding. One of the most common ways is to wait for a funding opportunity announcement (FOA) and then quickly put a proposal together that suits the demands of the request for proposal (RFP). When it comes to government funding opportunities, this is the best […]

The Importance of Partnership and Collaboration in the Non-profit Sector

Partnership and collaboration can go a long way in creating a strong and better community. In addition to pushing your mission forward, partnership and collaboration can provide stability (financial and non-financial) while achieving shared goals.      While each organization has its particular reasons for working collaboratively, there are common motives as to why nonprofits […]

How to Answer Budget Questions Funders Will Ask

Grant applications are composed of various components, but the budget and budget justification are certainly the biggest areas under the microscope. Funders review the budget and justification prior to the core application. So no matter how compelling your narrative is, the request isn’t viable if your budget isn’t in order. Budget questions can be intimidating to […]

A Paradigm Shift: How Grants Have Changed in a Virtual World

The pandemic has greatly impacted the way nonprofits conduct training, score grant applications, and partnering with peer organizations. While there are various challenges and opportunities to this remote environment, statistics show that the convenience and cost effectiveness of doing work through virtual means holds value for nonprofits.      In this article, we’ll discuss how […]

Partner Relationship Building Tips for Nonprofits

  No matter what kind of business you are, creating, building, and maintaining strong partner relationships is at the core of every business. It can provide limitless opportunities, and create a solid foundation for the rest of your nonprofit organization.      Sounds easy enough right? Well the truth is, relationship building takes work. It […]

RBW Strategy’s Favorite Budgeting Apps for Nonprofit Funding

Nonprofits are always asked to do more with less, which is why maintaining an accurate budget is critical. Luckily, there are many helpful (and free or cost-effective) apps to help you stay organized and optimize your nonprofit funding. These are a few of our favorite nonprofit budgeting apps!   #1: Clarity Money. Think about all […]

6 Best Practices for Preparing a Federal Grant Closeout

Once you’ve received a federal grant, the work doesn’t stop there. The post-award phase is just as significant as the pre-award phase, and should be taken care of diligently. The post-award phase includes a significant amount of work, from implementing the grant, reporting on its progress, and completing any closeout requirements. While the agency that […]

Under Pressure: Top 4 Ways to Avoid Burning Out

  Let’s be honest with ourselves. It is not easy to work in fundraising. Whether you are writing grants, cultivating relationships with major donors, managing special events or drafting marketing materials, you know that in the end, there is a bottom line. Your work has an impact on your organization(s) and that can be incredibly […]

Does “Fake It ‘Til We Make it” Really Work?

Isn’t there a famous quote that “The truth shall set you free?” Wouldn’t it be great to tell the truth all the time instead of masking our unpleasantries? I see this happen all the time when working on grant proposals. Organizations try to cover up a misuse of funds or embellish a program that might […]

The Clock is Our Worst Enemy

For those who work in deadline driven environments, we are constantly trying to outpace our deadlines. There are so many factors that can impact our ability to complete high quality deliverables on time, within budget and meeting specific standards. Contrary to the Rolling Stones, time is not always on our side. So, what do we […]