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SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results)

It can be very easy to dispense advice and recommendations, but then do your recommendations translate to introspection about your own work as a team? At RBW Strategy, we decided to put our money where our mouth is. A few weeks ago, our team had an all-hands call to conduct a SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results) analysis about RBW Strategy. This is a tool that we use with many of our clients, but it was time for RBW to assess what is working and not working for us as a team.
While as the firm’s leader, it isn’t always easy to hear suggestions for improvement, but it is the ONLY way we can grow as a firm. Using our own tools is also a strong way to show proof for our clients that this pathway works. I gained a lot from that session, and it allowed our team members to reflect and speak honestly.
I recently heard about a different (larger) agency that requested feedback from its staff members about returning to work, and there were over 100 questions and comments. When the agency held a town hall to follow up, NONE of the items raised by staff were actually addressed. If a company holds an open forum, but doesn’t actually listen or incorporate the feedback into how you do business, you can start to see why the #greatresignation is happening. Lip service is not enough. As business leaders, we need to do better. #livebyyourvalues #integritymatters
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