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Meaningful Actions 

Since technology has overtaken so much of our work, we often fall prey to the ease with which we can do things. Order a new chair? Hire a new employee? Donate to an important cause? These actions can all take place virtually and from the comfort of our homes. The reliance (and often overreliance on technology) has only increased since the pandemic. Things have become easy for us, and while automation and standardization of systems and processes are extremely helpful, it also diminishes our sense of connection. 

During this month, many reflection points make us consider our history as a country; specifically Black History Month, and figure out how we incorporate messages and actions into our daily lives. It seems easy to write a post or create a list of company values, but if they are not followed or if the messages are not reflective of a company culture, this falls on deaf ears. What can we do to create meaningful actions in our lives? While we are all busy, even small efforts can make a big difference. This is more of a question about judgment and holding ourselves accountable. 

Here are some questions you can ask yourself (and I ask myself these questions too): 

  • Am I being fair and reasonable when approaching a situation where I feel wronged? Did I contribute to the situation? 
  • Am I willing to forgo a client or partnership because our values are not aligned? 
  • Do I stand up and support my team? 
  • Do I hold myself accountable during difficult or tense situations to do what is right? 
  • If I had one extra hour a month, could I use that time to support my community? 

There are many ways we can slightly change our actions for greater impact; but perhaps, we can aim to lead with the behavior we want to see. While perfection to act appropriately in all situations is not the goal, building humanity in a world of technology can be a meaningful path forward. 

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