We just celebrated the 4th of July and our nation’s independence. Independence can be a great thing, right? We want to be able to function independently as professionals, organizations, and we want our children to grow up to become independent as well.
However, when does independence become a detriment to success? When do we need partners to maintain, grow and innovate our organizations and programs?
- We can share staff with one another, especially at co-located sites or multi-use facilities.
- We can share expertise with one another through training or materials.
- We can leverage in-kind resources with one another, including technology, space, furniture or other equipment.
- We can go after funding together through collaborative applications. Funders love to see collaborative proposals as this showcases greater impact!
- We can think about our collective impact. Are there issues or challenges we are each trying to solve? How do our services complement each other?
How can you work well with others? It’s not just a rule for children….