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Does Independence Make Us Stronger?

  We just celebrated the 4th of July and our nation’s independence. Independence can be a great thing, right? We want to be able to function independently as professionals, organizations, and we want our children to grow up to become independent as well. However, when does independence become a detriment to success? When do we […]

B2B Partnerships: Why Sole Proprietorship is a Fallacy

When I started my business in 2013, I was committed to serving as an independent consultant. This seemed easy – I didn’t have to oversee other people’s work and I could have complete autonomy about the clients and work I chose to pursue. However, as any small business owner knows, it is difficult (and quite […]

Help From Our Friends: 5 ways They Help Achieve More

My children love hanging out with their friends, and I see how it is important for them to develop their own friendships. My son is almost six years old and is now more discerning about with whom he chooses to spend his time. I am also enjoying watching my daughter (not quite three) starting to […]

Top 5 Ways that Partnerships Enhance our Work

When you think of peanut butter, don’t you think of jelly? These two go hand in hand. I had the pleasure of attending The Power Conference yesterday, a day for women entrepreneurs to learn from one another, learn some new skills, and network. My takeaway is that everyone needs a partner in order to sustain […]