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How To Make The Grant Proposal Process Easier When Several Writers Are Involved

The grant proposal process can be a lot of work. Having several writers working together on one proposal can be beneficial to making the task easier, more efficient and reach a larger network of potential grant funders in the nonprofit sector.      It is important to create a proposal that is strong and well […]

Tips for Data-Driven Proposal Writing

If you’re looking to improve the impact in your grant writing, providing data-driven proposals is a great way to do so. It shows the funder that you’ve done your research, and that the project can be supported based on the data provided.      Below, we’ll provide a few tips to guide your organization through […]

4 Major Weaknesses in Grant Proposals and How to Work Through Them

Writing a grant proposal takes a lot of leg work, and nobody gets it 100% right the first time. If you’re looking to improve your grant writing skills, it’s important to do some reflecting on prior proposals, and understand where you can improve. In this article, we’ll be going over some of the most common […]


  In honor of Halloween, I wanted to share a scary story… I am sure my fellow writers (and almost anyone who works on a team where the end product is a final document) can relate to the #FRANKENPROPOSAL (queue scream). Do you know what the #Frankenproposal is? Well, what starts out as a document […]

Proposal Templates: Great Idea or a Fool’s Errand?

Isn’t it much easier to create a blanket proposal template in response to a request for proposals (RFP) rather than develop a customized proposal in response to each specific grant and/or contract opportunity? Well…. The answer is not so simple. What are the considerations in deciding what information can be used in multiple proposals versus […]

Which comes first, the grant budget or the narrative?

It’s the age-old “chicken or the egg” question, a brain teaser and an example of the cycle of life. As we all know, having access to information upon preparation of a grant application is essential to the success of the proposal. How can any application (large or small, federal or private) be successful without essential […]

The Power of the Story in a Grant Application

Most of you who write grant applications always include the basic components: statement of need, project design, sustainability plan, evaluation strategy, budget and budget narrative. This is what makes you successful-identifying the required components and preparing an application that meets these requirements. However, as you write application after application (especially for the same organization) you […]