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Being A Good Manager

Part of being a good manager in any context is learning how to manage yourself.
There are all kinds of time management tips and tricks, webinars, and courses designed to help you manage your time.
But in the article, “Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time” by Tony Schwartz and Catherine McCarthy, the authors suggest we focus less on managing the finite resource of hours.
Instead, we should each focus on the renewable resources under our control, including our energy levels.
“Individuals need to recognize the costs of energy-depleting behaviors and then take responsibility for changing them, regardless of the circumstances they are faicing,” write Schwartz and McCarthy.
Putting in longer hours will just lead to burnout. In today’s demanding work environment, managers and employees are becoming more and more disengaged, exhausted, and sick.
But focus on what you need to take care of yourself and you’ll be better equipped to manage your work and your team.
Read more in “Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time,” part of Harvard Business Review’s 10 Must Reads On Managing Yourself.
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