What Do We Need from Our Leaders?

When we’re younger, we look up to our parents, teachers and older siblings as they always appear to be in charge. To us they might even seem unstoppable. As we get older we realize that we are infallible and that as adults we try to make the best decisions with what information we have available. What […]

The Benefits of Getting Older

Last month I turned 40 – a milestone birthday by most standards. People’s reactions were generally encouraging and positive, but some thought I may end up having a nervous breakdown or midlife crisis. This made me think more about our society and why we put so much pressure on ourselves to stay young. We have […]

Why Not Getting Along Can Be A Good Thing…

Ever since I was a young child I have always tried to avoid conflicts. I don’t like to argue or hear people argue, period. However, as we get older, this isn’t always possible. We have to confront people with differing opinions and different ways of handling an issue that is contentious. How do we move […]

5 Reasons Not to Make New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year! The start of a new year always brings a desire to change, reinvent or redo things in our life that hold us back. However, in most instances, we fall short of these expectations. This is why I am choosing not to have any resolutions this year. Some food for thought…. We feel […]

With all of this noise, why do we need to listen?

I am grateful for the fact that my children are able to express themselves (and all of their emotions). Their articulation of their challenges, triumphs, and annoyances offers me a glimpse into how they view the world around them. I realize that we spend a lot of time talking and sharing our opinions and information, […]

Giving Thanks to Unsung Heroes

While this time of year is always fraught with multiple deadlines, activities, holiday gatherings and efforts to complete work before 2017 has ended, I am going to think about this year differently. Have you thanked some of the unsung heroes that help ensure our safety? What about donors and funders who don’t provide huge gifts, […]

GPA Conference 2017: How to Mix Business with Pleasure

Each year, hundreds of grant professionals descend upon a chosen city in November to discuss all things grants for our annual Grant Professionals Association Conference. This year, the conference was held at the Paradise Point Resort and Spa in San Diego. At the onset, I thought that trying to participate in valuable professional development sessions, […]

Look before you leap – Why I live by checklists

My son is now in first grade, and is becoming more independent and responsible. One of the more recent challenges we encountered was having him remember all of the items to include in his backpack as he prepares to head off to school. He forgot his library book one day and then he forgot his […]

NYC – You Don’t Need to be the Best

After living in NYC for seven years, one of the most salient takeaways from my time there was that people can express themselves. People in NYC love to stand out and wear different clothing, take on new challenges and absorb themselves in new opportunities. After spending a weekend there with my family last week, I […]

Be Kind to Strangers – Why Kindness Matters

I was looking for birthday cards at a nearby Hallmark store and there was a sign that read “Be Kind to Strangers – They May Give you Money.” I had to laugh at this, since it is very true (and very applicable as a grant writer). We spend an inordinate amount of time crafting a […]