How Cultivation is Your Winning Writing Strategy

There are a couple of different ways to focus on getting funding. One of the most common ways is to wait for a funding opportunity announcement (FOA) and then quickly put a proposal together that suits the demands of the request for proposal (RFP). When it comes to government funding opportunities, this is the best […]

The Importance of Partnership and Collaboration in the Non-profit Sector

Partnership and collaboration can go a long way in creating a strong and better community. In addition to pushing your mission forward, partnership and collaboration can provide stability (financial and non-financial) while achieving shared goals.      While each organization has its particular reasons for working collaboratively, there are common motives as to why nonprofits […]

How to Answer Budget Questions Funders Will Ask

Grant applications are composed of various components, but the budget and budget justification are certainly the biggest areas under the microscope. Funders review the budget and justification prior to the core application. So no matter how compelling your narrative is, the request isn’t viable if your budget isn’t in order. Budget questions can be intimidating to […]

Goals and Objectives: How They Differ and Why it Matters

It’s important to understand the difference between goals and objectives when preparing a grant proposal. It will provide the reviewer with clarity, and define why the proposed activities are important. The two terms are often used interchangeably. While they are similar, the purpose behind each can vary.     Below, we’ll discuss the difference between […]

A Paradigm Shift: How Grants Have Changed in a Virtual World

The pandemic has greatly impacted the way nonprofits conduct training, score grant applications, and partnering with peer organizations. While there are various challenges and opportunities to this remote environment, statistics show that the convenience and cost effectiveness of doing work through virtual means holds value for nonprofits.      In this article, we’ll discuss how […]

One for All and All for One – Team Development

What does strategic team growth look like? Google fundraising titles or nonprofit development team roles and you’ll discover well more than 30 different focus areas. Some of these include roles in donor stewardship, major gifts, grants, or monthly giving, while others include roles typically found in marketing or programming teams such as community relations, advocacy, […]

Evaluation Methods Funders Use to Measure Grant Success

Once grant funds have been allocated, reporting on the project’s success to the grantor becomes a critical part of the grant lifecycle. The grantor needs to understand how funds are being allocated, to ensure that both party’s goals and objectives are being met.      The best way to optimize reporting is to include quantitative […]

Udemy Courses for Nonprofits & Grants Management (free and paid)!

If you’ve never taken Udemy courses before, you’re missing out! Udemy is an online content library full of helpful tools and resources to utilize in your personal and professional life. We’re not kidding — they have everything from learning how to knit to how to change a tire.     For this article, we wanted […]

Tips for Data-Driven Proposal Writing

If you’re looking to improve the impact in your grant writing, providing data-driven proposals is a great way to do so. It shows the funder that you’ve done your research, and that the project can be supported based on the data provided.      Below, we’ll provide a few tips to guide your organization through […]

8 Common Questions Funders Will Ask on Grant Applications

Questions on grant applications can vary depending on the funder’s priorities and objectives. However, there are some basic things to expect and organize for when writing an application.      Below, we’ll discuss some of the most common questions on grant applications, and how you can prepare for them.    Meeting criteria. Think of this […]