When you think of peanut butter, don’t you think of jelly? These two go hand in hand. I had the pleasure of attending The Power Conference yesterday, a day for women entrepreneurs to learn from one another, learn some new skills, and network. My takeaway is that everyone needs a partner in order to sustain and grow organizations, programs, and projects. Whether these are business to business, funder to grantee, contractor to contracting agency or  consultant to organization, these partnerships are all important.  pic_social_science_degree

  1. Growth: The more people involved, the more resources able to think of innovative solutions, ideas, and brainstorm. A heated dialogue can often lead to a more robust process, and each person can bring a unique perspective.
  2. Complementary Services: Not everyone can do everything. Subject matter experts and other key personnel and organizations may offer customized services or products that only enhance your offerings, and lead to greater social impact.
  3. Knowledge: Don’t you always learn from other who challenge and inspire you? Find individuals that do that and add that to your team. These partnerships can enhance your capacity to be a thought leader in the community or industry.
  4. Communications: There are many ways in which we communicate – in-person, electronically, phone, videoconference, and we have to manage various types of partners. The experience of working through these various lenses can help strengthen what you are seeking to achieve, as you will become a well-versed project manager.
  5. Repeatability: Each partnership is a relationship, and partners can work together on various projects and in various capacities. If you really like working with a partner, why wouldn’t you want to work together again? This helps both of you succeed, and leads to greater achievements down the road.

The best partnerships come from a place of mutual support, respect, and shared vision. What partners make your work more successful?

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