fireworksIt’s hard to believe that 2016 is just around the corner. At this time people are either supremely busy, or enjoying some much needed quiet time (perhaps sneaking in a Star Wars viewing?). Whether you work for yourself or another organization, it is important to plan ahead. While I am not a fan of setting up a business or strategic plan for the sake of having one, I do believe in establishing actionable goals to set yourself up for success in 2016. Here are some considerations:

Financial Management: Do you have a fundraising plan and does this align with your strategic plan? Are you able to cover all necessary expenses? Did you review your big ticket items to determine if you need any updates, including IT, infrastructure, furniture, equipment, or personnel? If not, keep these top of mind as this will impact your work.

Operational Efficiencies: Are there policies, procedures, systems, service offerings or responsibilities that can become more streamlined? Are there redundancies in how you manage key tasks? Have you outlined the priorities of your organization or company and how these efficiencies will help you achieve these priority items?

Knowledge Enhancement: Professional Development can be extremely beneficial, even for those who are experts in their fields. Here are some organizations and associations that offer low cost or free online and in-person trainings (for those in the DC Metro area) in the fields of grants, entrepreneurship and project management:

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