Partnership and collaboration can go a long way in creating a strong and better community. In addition to pushing your mission forward, partnership and collaboration can provide stability (financial and non-financial) while achieving shared goals. 




While each organization has its particular reasons for working collaboratively, there are common motives as to why nonprofits might choose to explore these options. 


How can partnership and collaboration benefit the nonprofit sector?


  1. Maximize cost savings. While every organization is concerned about reducing costs and maximizing revenue, nonprofits have to be particularly conscientious. Partnership and collaboration can alleviate operations or even programmatic expenses because it balances out the costs between both organizations. This might include training, shared workspace, workshops, transportation, or anything else related to the mission.


  1. Better programs. Collaboration can help strengthen an organization’s programs by combining existing programs or building new ones. With a wider net of resources and tools, programs can extend their reach while lowering costs. Partnership can also create better brand awareness and enhance marketing efforts to showcase the consolidated strengths of both organizations. 


  1. Improved efficiency. When two (or more) organizations come together to achieve a common goal, the chances of achieving that goal more effectively, and even in a more timely manner, are much higher. Divvying up tasks and finances can save time, allowing those in each organization to focus on specific efforts. It will be beneficial to develop a formal memorandum of understanding (MOU) to outline these tasks in greater detail. As they always say, two hands (or more) are better than one!


  1. Enhanced services. A wider pool of tools and resources provides a unique opportunity for nonprofits to improve their services and mission. For example, let’s say one organization is serving a population of people experiencing homelessness, while the other is working with a food bank. The two causes go hand in hand, as they focus on the same population but offer complementary services. 


  1. Promote inclusivity. Partnership and collaboration can open so many doors when it comes to improving leadership. Having a wide range of executives and board members from different backgrounds improves diversity and inclusion, and brings fresh perspectives to the table. 


  1. Increased credibility. In addition to increasing brand awareness, partnerships and collaboration can also improve brand credibility. By choosing to work with a trusted source, you’re helping to build trust with your existing audience and establishing a solid foundation for your nonprofit’s mission. This is especially helpful for newer nonprofits who have not yet developed a reputation in the community, and the partner organization can add a level of credence to the support offered by the more established entity.


How has partnership and collaboration with other organizations improved your nonprofit’s mission? Share with us in the comments below! You can also check out one of our latest blogs to find tips for building relationships with partners, and visit our partners and affiliations page to learn more about who we work with.

RBW Strategy’s mission is to provide public-serving organizations of any size with high quality, customized strategic fundraising consulting services. Learn more about working with us, and contact us today!

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