The resources available to nonprofit fundraisers have grown exponentially over the past 20 years through the development of associations targeted to specific fundraising roles and functions.  The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), and National Grant Management Association (NGMA), and the association/nonprofit section of the Public Relations Society of America are just a few examples.

The value of membership in these organizations cannot be overstated. Many provide extensive professional development opportunities as part of membership, whether classes and courses or conferences and workshops. Most have local chapters where you can connect directly with those nearby who are performing a similar function/role. They are also a great source of resources, benchmarking, research, and more to help you do your job better and more efficiently.

Looking for help with your grant writing or prefer to outsource the process? It may be a great idea to hire a professional writer. RBW Strategy can help you write grants and teach you the ins and outs of grant writing to help you win dollars in the future. 


Looking to learn more? Contact us today! 


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