Difficult Conversation- Do they get easier?

Difficult Conversation- Do they get easier? I’ve been involved in a lot of difficult conversations, both personal and professional. While they say practice makes perfect, I’m not sure that difficult conversations get much easier over time. With each new awkward situation or workplace challenge that I have encountered, I’ve had to think about how to […]

Team Member Shout Out-Lauren

Team Member Shout Out- Lauren It’s time for the sweet sounds of summer! Did you know that both listening to and creating music can positively impact your mood and mental health? Classical and other music that has a tempo of 60 beats per minute increases your brain’s efficiency in processing information, while other types of […]

Team Member Shout Out

Team Member Shout Out Many grant writers and fundraising professionals have unusual career paths. In fact, it’s probably true that there are as many paths to a fundraising career as there are nonprofit fundraisers. Today, RBW Strategy’s Team Member Shout-Out acknowledges Jennie Miller, one of our colleagues with an even more unique journey into her […]