Happy New Year! The start of a new year always brings a desire to change, reinvent or redo things in our life that hold us back. However, in most instances, we fall short of these expectations. This is why I am choosing not to have any resolutions this year. Some food for thought….

  1. We feel worse if we don’t achieve our resolutions.
  2. Why does it have to coincide with the new year? Can’t we make resolutions when there is a need to do so? Change is an evolving process.
  3. Let’s put a positive spin on resolutions and focus on the things that our life that are working or make us successful, versus things we want to change.
  4. Are these resolutions leading to substantive changes or enhanced quality of life?
  5. Unless your resolution comes with an action plan, they are likely more aspirational in nature.

Maybe you are the kind of person that does like to make resolutions. I would also think about being grateful and focusing on the positive – perhaps create a list of thanks instead. Do you plan on making any resolutions this year?

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