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Well, September 30th marks the end of the federal fiscal year. While I don’t have a crystal ball, I do have a sense of the upcoming funding cycle and some thoughts of what we might expect. Let’s see how many actually come to fruition.

  • Transparency, Front and Center: The focus on transparency and safeguarding information and data will likely be reflected in the agency expectations of grantees. USASpending.gov, which serves as the data warehouse for this information, will be referenced in more detail.
  • Funding is Steady: Federal grant disbursements have remained steady over the past several years (approximately $500 Billion per year since 2008, www.USASpending.gov), even if the allotments to specific programs and agencies change based on federal administrative priorities.
  • Enhanced Internal Controls: The Office of Management and Budget (OMB)’s Uniform Grant Guidance will continue to evolve the way grantee report on, manage and align performance to financial indicators. OMB is seeking a more holistic and comprehensive way to manage grant operations. This graphic from the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) explains the considerations for grantees in developing effective internal controls in more detail.



  • Potential for Government Shutdown: This may impact the responsiveness of agency personnel and also publishing funding opportunity announcements if a budget resolution is not approved by Congress in December (after a new Speaker of the House is appointed). This will also impact funding to states and local units of government.
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