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Last week I had the pleasure of attending the Nonprofit Village of Montgomery County’s “Making a Difference Awards Breakfast” and am continually inspired by the great work that is being done by small nonprofits in the community. As many of you already know, Montgomery County, Maryland is home to thousands of nonprofit organizations. A majority of these nonprofits are small, and many are run by volunteers. The fact that people are willing to spend countless hours working towards a cause for no compensation speaks to the strength and capacity of the residents in our community to help others in need.

This year’s award recipient for the small nonprofit award was the Pain Connection, an organization that seeks to provide help to those suffering from chronic pain. Given that millions of people suffer from disabling pain each day, this group provides an important service. So, while large nonprofits may have the name recognition and branding, small nonprofits have learned to do more with less, and because of that, have become resourceful, able to express passion about the mission, and engage others through powerful storytelling. Which small nonprofit will you support today?

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