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Small Business Model

During the pandemic I moved a lot. I don’t mean that I moved physically or geographically, but mentally. Going from one project to another and one business opportunity to another, it always felt like hustling. It’s easy to continually hustle, especially as a new or expanding business owner. There’s a pervasive attitude that you need to be constantly growing as a business owner or nonprofit.
But I have also been looking at that attitude from a different perspective, one that considers the impact of #organizationalculture. As a team, we have learned that we do our best when we can all work at our best. The idea that you need to be constantly growing as a business owner or nonprofit, even at the expense of your sanity and time, is complete nonsense! If you do want to grow your business, dive in! But do so as a choice. There is no right or wrong small business model and you have to find what works for you, whether you are a solopreneur, have a business with four employees, or have a business with 25 employees. Don’t let the hustle overtake you as this can ruin an office culture and burn out your team.
Rachel Werner, MPA, GPC, PMP, Owner & CEO of RBW Strategy
#RBW Strategy
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