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Expert support throughout the entire grant lifecycle

Let our grant-seeking and management experts help you secure the funding you need to achieve your goals.

We’re at your side throughout the entire grant lifecycle, from pre-award to post-award. Check out our services below to help you create a more sustainable future.

Pre-Award Services

Our pre-award services include grant readiness assessment and strategy, strategic coaching, prospect research, case statement and proposal repository, proposal writing and reporting, as well as application and agency profile review.

Post-Award Services

Our post-award services include gap analysis of policies and procedures, grant infrastructure review, developing and updating policies and procedures, subrecipient monitoring and procurement, and technical assistance consulting.

Training and Education

We offer in-person and virtual trainings. We also partner with MyFedTrainer on group-focused federal grants trainings that focus on compliance, administration and federal grant seeking.

Pre-Award Services

With grants, it’s important to have a plan. We’ll help you find the right funders, apply for best-fit grants and increase your chances of success.

  • Review your marketing, fundraising, and other documents
  • Identify where your organization excels and potential areas of growth
  • Map out a cohesive grant strategy to simplify your grant-seeking efforts

If you need more support, then you’ll benefit from coaching sessions where we focus on your specific goals. 

  • Develop your grant planning and infrastructure
  • Write about specialized topics (i.e. DEIA, funder cultivation, writing prompts)
  • Review and audit past applications to make future efforts more successful
  • Review existing operations to map out building blocks for Grant office infrastructure

Searching grant databases won’t always help you find the right grantmakers. That’s why we go above and beyond.

  • Conduct a funding landscape review to determine the viability of an initiative for grant funding
  • Research key details about each opportunity to develop a strategy for engaging funders
  • Map out your monthly application efforts based on our robust grant calendar

Taking the stress out of grant-seeking is always our top goal. Let us help you make the entire grant lifecycle more streamlined and efficient. 

  • Build and maintain your proposal content and case statement language in one place
  • Provide stock language and details that can be turned into grant applications
  • Help you leverage all of this content for other fundraising and marketing initiatives

Once you have a plan in place, you’re ready to pursue grants! Our services help increase the likelihood of a successful application. 

  • Review specific funder requirements and tailor applications appropriately
  • Prepare and format attachments required for each submission
  • Advise on cultivation with prospects and current funders in advance of deadlines

What if you could sit down with a funder and find out exactly why your application wasn’t successful? RBW is like a grant panel reviewer in your pocket. 

  • Conduct detailed application review 
  • Provide feedback and recommendations for improving future applications
  • Review your profiles on rating agency sites like GuideStar, Combined Federal Campaign, Charity Navigator and others

Post-Award Services

To maximize the impact of grant dollars and promote good stewardship, our team will review the grant management policies to ensure compliance. 

  • Assess and discuss your organization’s needs and expectations
  • Determine the priority levels of different policies in line with single audit requirements, 2 CFR 200 and best practices 
  • Clarify how the policies and procedures align with your current framework

Whether you’re new to federal grants or responding to corrective actions, we’ll help your team improve your grant administration processes. 

  • Review infrastructure to identify financial, operational and programmatic strengths 
  • Uncover opportunities for improvements 
  • Build a robust system to track and manage federal grant funding and ensure future compliance

Whether your organization prepares the policies or has someone else develop them, they must meet specific 2 CFR 200 and federal agency criteria. We can help you ensure compliance. 

  • Provide a compliance check of core grant management policies
  • Review all policies to ensure they are accurate and will meet auditors’ expectations and track them with your team to ensure completeness
  • Build a robust grants management internal control framework

Procurement issues are common, especially when working with subrecipients and contractors. We’ll get ahead of those with services that address critical procurement-related issues.

  • Develop a subrecipient monitoring plan to guide post-award period activities (including risk assessments)
  • Implement a procurement process to ensure adherence with compliance requirements
  • Provide ongoing support regarding monitoring, including desk reviews and virtual site visits

Unplanned reports, questions and documentation often spring up as you manage grant awards. Our team is here to help. 

  • Participate in meetings with organizational and federal agency staff 
  • Assist with federal agency monitoring and audit preparation
  • Support your team with any issues that come up during the grant lifecycle

Training and Education

Expert-led in-person and online courses from MyFedTrainer.com to equip you and your team with essential skills and knowledge to master federal grant regulations. RBW Strategy offers customized trainings focused on the grant lifecycle to clients upon request.


The best way to begin working with our team is to schedule a discovery call! You can also email info@rbwstrategy.com to discuss your specific grant-related consulting needs. We work with clients on short-term projects and long-term engagements. We’ll provide options based on your budget, schedule and consulting needs.

RBW Strategy provides consulting and training support to nonprofit, for-profit and government sector clients. MyFedTrainer is a federal grant training provider offering virtual federal grant management and writing training for groups and individuals. Often, clients seek additional support after training. RBW Strategy receives referrals for this expanded support.

Several factors impact potential ROI. If you’re new to grant seeking, it can take six to 12 months (or more) to see positive results on grant application efforts.

RBW Strategy will incorporate milestones to assess progress at each stage and see how we can improve the process for all involved.

No, this is considered unethical behavior by the Grant Professionals Association and the Association of Funding Professionals. Our support is a service and our team is paid for services rendered. We are mindful of budgetary issues and, therefore, have incorporated a stepped approach to ensure that our clients receive support in line with what they can provide financially.

This question doesn’t accurately assess our services. So much can impact the grant-seeking process, including the opportunity type, the client’s past performance related to grants, the funder’s openness to new applications, and other factors. A better gauge of positive performance is asking about our success on a particular opportunity, our team’s process related to grant seeking, case studies of successful partnerships, and how we pivot when an application is denied.

If your organization has received a federal grant for the first time, it’s important to understand the specific requirements you must follow to stay compliant.

This includes reviewing the terms and conditions of the notice of grant award, assigning responsibilities, checking your grant management policies and procedures, and creating a tracking process for all critical deadlines. This just scratches the surface of building a culture of compliance, but we can help.

Talk to an expert about your grant-seeking and management needs and goals.