Impact Storytelling

To wrap up this month’s series on end-of-year fundraising, let’s talk about Impact Storytelling.
Whether you’re talking to donors who have already given to your organization in the past year or someone who hasn’t donated in several years, donors always want to know about the impact of their dollars.
Not only do you want to talk about what someone’s end-of-year donation will help to accomplish in the year ahead, but you also want to show off what your organization has already achieved.
What have you accomplished in the past year?
How many people have you fed? How many students have you tutored? How has your research contributed to reducing the opioid epidemic or better patient care?
Find ways of showing the measurable results of your work over the past year, and how a donor’s dollars have contributed to those successes. Donors will be much likely to become repeat donors if they can see tangible results.
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