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I Have A Confession

I have a confession.
I am not a huge fan of social media. While in many ways it connects us, I also feel that people can build walls or create an image or “brand” that does not accurately represent the real story. Sometimes it’s hard to discern what is happening IRL versus the image someone wants to project.
As a way for me to get over this judgment, I want to think about social media as a means to connect with other people, in the way that makes sense to me. As such, we’ll be profiling our colleagues, team members, and changemakers each month to showcase their good work. There is no gimmick because posting this kind of content this aligns with the firm’s core values and building each other up through good old fashioned positive vibes. If the pandemic has taught me anything, it’s that I NEED partnerships in my professional and personal life. Partnerships make me better, stronger, and challenge my thinking in the best way possible.
Rachel Werner, MPA, GPC, PMP, Owner & CEO of RBW Strategy
#NonprofitPartnerships #RBWStrategy
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