Lauren Schultz

Lauren Schultz Scrolling through the Grant Professionals Association site, I came across the lament that, “a poorly written grant proposal about a well-developed project is more likely to be funded than a well-written proposal about a poorly developed project.” As writer who became a grants professional to earn a steady paycheck, I definitely share that […]

New Beginnings

New Beginnings I always think of September as the beginning of a new year. Perhaps it begin during my childhood, when getting a brand new backpack and box of crayons meant the start of something new. This mentality translates to my work now as well. After coming back from vacation this summer, we all might […]

Becky Jascoviak

Becky Jascoviak Becky Jascoviak, our resident theatre expert, has worked in, started, led, and consulted for nonprofits for more than 25 years. Working in the arts, she has set up Seedlings Theatre Company and Genesius Guild, two community theatres in Northwest Indiana and the Quad Cities of Iowa, and Chautauqua in the Dunes, an arts […]

So Much Change

So Much Change Today marks nine years of since RBW Strategy was launched. We have been talking about transitions this month, which has made me think about how my life has changed so much in those nine years, both personally and professionally. My kids are no longer in diapers, I have time to explore different […]


Checklists This article is an oldie but a goodie from Vu Le about the toxicity of productivity. If we are able to keep checking things off our list, does that mean that we are better than others? Are we defining our own value and measuring our success by how many hours we work? Just like […]

Are You Grant Ready?

Are You Grant Ready? If your nonprofit doesn’t have much experience or success getting grant funding, an important thing to do is to assess whether your organization is truly “grant ready.” A nonprofit that is grant ready has the adequate management, programmatic and financial infrastructure to support program expansion or new programs if grant funding […]

Mental Health

Mental Health The National Institute of Mental Health reports that the numbers of people reporting symptoms of anxiety or depression, stress-related symptoms, initial or increased substance use, and/or thoughts of suicide are nearly double the rates we would have expected before the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, the landscape of our workforce has drastically changed, […]

Increasing Grant Proposals

Increasing Grant Proposals Many clients come to us with a focus on increasing the number of grant proposals that they get out the door, and most of our team’s work centers around grants and other fundraising writing projects. But is your organization prepared for other types of fundraising, such as soliciting corporate sponsorships, leveraging social […]


Transition A lot of people think they have to settle with their job, but I’ve always believed that you should never settle for something that leaves you feeling dissatisfied. Sometimes that is easier said than done, but if you’re not happy, it’s probably time to make a change. Maybe you need to change your career […]

Work For Human Beings

Work For Human Beings According to Peter Drucker, the well-known management consultant, educator, and author, a main task of management is to make individual workers productive and effective. Drucker points out that while this idea is relatively obvious, what isn’t as obvious is that tasks often need to be made “suitable for human beings” who […]