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How to Optimize Your Multi-Channel Fundraising Efforts

Nonprofits can no longer rely on one or two channels to generate revenue. Your audience is in more than one place, so you need to be too! In this day and age, it’s hard to get your message in front of (and heard by) donors and supporters. We live in a constant media whirlwind, and […]

Guide To Hosting Virtual Fundraising Events

COVID-19 has forced local and national governments to restrict in-person events. But the show must go on! Organizations all over the world are trying to figure out how to host virtual fundraising events that are effective and engaging. If you’re struggling to pull together one of these events, you’re not alone. Even large companies like […]

Under Pressure: Top 4 Ways to Avoid Burning Out

  Let’s be honest with ourselves. It is not easy to work in fundraising. Whether you are writing grants, cultivating relationships with major donors, managing special events or drafting marketing materials, you know that in the end, there is a bottom line. Your work has an impact on your organization(s) and that can be incredibly […]

Fundraising: 4 Ways We Can Reduce the Pressure

Let’s be brutally honest – fundraising is a pressure cooker. Get the funding or your organization cannot continue maintaining services (forgetting expansion). You might lose staff. You have board members who are breathing down your neck to ensure that you are meeting organizational priorities. It is no wonder that development professionals fizzle out and there […]