Your How-To Guide for Pursuing Federal Grants

  While the process can be daunting, federal grants are worth pursuing because they can provide your nonprofit with financial stability and positive recognition. In this article, we’ll discuss tips and best practices for applying for federal grants, and how to avoid common mistakes.   What do I need to be aware of when applying […]

How Small Nonprofits Can Leverage Corporate Philanthropy

  As the uncertainty of the pandemic continues, small nonprofits are worried about how the economic climate will affect their organization. Grants are an important source of revenue, however those funding organizations could also be struggling.    If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that we need to get creative. Nonprofits should be maximizing […]

Nonprofit Budgeting: Understanding Indirect Costs & How Are They Allocated

  Job costing is a tedious, yet necessary process. It’s critical in ensuring your business is making data-driven decisions. For nonprofits specifically, it can make or break your efforts in securing funding for the coming quarter, month, and/or year. Cost allocation is the best way to make sure your nonprofit is spending its funds accurately, […]

Communication Tips for Working With Contract Grant Writers

  Nonprofit professionals are busy people who are always looking for ways to optimize their workflows. This often includes contract work, as it’s an effective way to save time and money. Contract grant writers can be a huge help to your nonprofit, but only if they have the tools and resources necessary to thrive. Unfortunately, […]

Nonprofit Tips: Are Small Grants Worth Your Time and Money?

  As a grant consultant, we hear this question all the time: Are small grants worth applying for? While every organization has different budgets and priorities, the answer is often yes. There are a variety of benefits nonprofits can gain from pursuing smaller grants, however it’s important to know when (and when not) to pursue […]

Nonprofit Trends for 2021 — What We Can Expect to See

  Holy moly, what a whirlwind of a year! If we’ve learned one thing from 2020, it’s that all the planning in the world can’t prepare you for what’s in the future. So you might be thinking — how are we supposed to predict what’s coming in 2021 when this year was so unpredictable? Truth […]

Thinking Like a Grant Reviewer: Tips for Positioning Your Proposal

  Proposal reviewers are faced with the daunting task of reviewing and scoring hundreds (if not thousands) of grant proposals for any given project. As you can imagine, going through these is no simple task! To reduce the number of proposals for review, funders will look for reasons to eliminate proposals from the stack. In […]

Tips for Nonprofits Tackling Budget Challenges in 2021

  Budget planning has always raised a level of uncertainty in the nonprofit world. While you can create a solid framework, it’s important to be prepared for bumps in the road. However with Covid-19 cases on the rise, nonprofits everywhere are facing a higher level of uncertainty than ever before. How do you maintain organizational […]

Self-Care in the Nonprofit Sector (Tips for Pandemic Burnout)

Nonprofit employees are passionate people — so much so, that sometimes they don’t know when to shut off. Burnout is a problem everywhere, however it’s particularly prominent in the nonprofit sector. Operating under crisis is already the norm for nonprofit organizations —  however Covid-19 quickly revealed the complexities global crises present, and the weight that […]

How to Prepare a Nonprofit Grant Proposal Budget

Being a good grant writer is one thing — knowing how to manage a budget is another! Grant writing budgets have more variable factors than you would assume, and they greatly impact the timeline and tasks of your proposal.  While we recommend hiring someone to work on budgets with an understanding of financial management and […]