
David Letterman used to put together a top 10 list each night of the week when he had his late night show. I have decided to put together my top 10 achievements this year (both professionally and personally). This has allowed me to feel positive about my accomplishments, even when I was faced with challenges. These are in no particular order, by the way.

  1. My company’s efforts on a large scale federal grant application led to my client being awarded a $6.25 million grant over the course of 5 years.
  2. I completed a Couch to 5K Program and am now consistently jogging 3 days a week and hope to compete in my first 5K in early 2016.
  3. I conducted 9 trainings on grants management, prospect research, grant readiness, internal controls and project management in the DC area, and I presented at my first national conference in St. Louis (yay, Grant Professionals Association).
  4. I served as the lead on an intensive collaborative grant proposal, which while not funded, received the 2nd highest score by a federal agency.
  5. I set aside one workday each week to spend with my 18 month old daughter. Work will always be there, but she is only young once.
  6. I collaborated with several nationally and locally recognized professionals on projects, in order to leverage skills and grow from our partnerships.
  7. I helped to create operational efficiencies and more streamlined services within a company’s grant services division.
  8. I redesigned a large Montgomery County nonprofit’s annual report to show more impact (and hopefully attract more funders).
  9. I conducted a survey of Grant Professional Association members of the work they do (outside of grants) and nearly 300 people responded.
  10. I am still happy to be contributing to the needs and services of my clients, while also supporting my family.

Happy New Year!

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