Grant management software is vital for a nonprofit’s workflow efficiency. However, this system should not be viewed as a one size fits all solution; poor organization and performance could be a result of an unfit management software. 


Below, we’ll discuss a few signs that indicate your current system isn’t performing well, and why a new system should be considered. 


grant management software


  1. Trouble uploading attachments. A grant management software should include options for attaching links of all formats (JPEG, PDF, etc). If your current software doesn’t allow this feature, this is a major red flag! It makes it difficult to work collaboratively within the software, and on the cloud if you can’t access each other’s documents. 


  1. Losing work frequently. If your software is still treating documents like Microsoft Word in the early 2000’s, you’re in trouble! Your software should allow you to automatically save your progress as you go, so you can pick up where you left off at a later time. The software should also have an interface that allows you to organize projects into different categories, so they are easy to track.


  1. Lack of support tools. If you’re spending hours trying to sort through technical issues with little support, it’s time to upgrade. Having to sort through technical issues yourself can hinder your processes and productivity. A good software should include accessible support tools, whether it’s through a chatbot, phone, or email. While you could hire a third party vendor or rely on an in-house IT professional, utilizing the software’s tools is the most efficient way to work through roadblocks. 


  1. Lack of integrations. Integrating softwares makes it easy to streamline your workflows. If your current software is lacking in integration features, you might find yourself losing work or spending extra time in other applications. A good software will consistently add new features that allow for this functionality. 


  1. Not enough automation. The point of a grant management software is to create more efficient processes. If you find yourself thinking “this is a lot of manual labor,” it’s time to make a switch. Having a software that automates redundant and meticulous tasks will save time, and keep projects on track.


  1. Unable to pull reports. Reports are important for nonprofit leaders, as they keep you ready for presentations, board meetings, and grant interviews. Sharing these reports with key stakeholders can also help optimize operations. If you’re unable to obtain hard data from your software, it’s definitely time to upgrade.

Does your organization need help in grants management? You’ve come to the right place! RBW Strategy’s mission is to provide public-serving organizations of any size with high-quality, customized strategic fundraising consulting services. If you’re interested in learning more, take a look at our services to see how we can work with you.


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